Tiny Hand With Heart

made a new website for dividers! go check it out: dividers.crd.co

use my referral code PIXEL
for 30% off carrd pro! it
would mean a lot to me,
and it'd help keep the site up
i do not own any of the
pixels in this carrd. please
message me for removal!
having trouble saving these pixels on your phone? read this!
my tumblr (i take requests!)

[10/5/23] ㆍ55+ new halloween pixels

[10/3/23] ㆍnew theme for halloween + i partly lied and im gonna add more halloween pixels + i MIGHT add xmas pixels in december IF i feel like it + no im still not gonna work on page 3

[9/7/23] ㆍnot working on the carrd anymore i just got too much stuff going on irl and ive completely lost interest in it (sorry)
maybe if i feel like it though ill still occasionally hop on tumblr to respond to some requests (unlikely)
i won't be paying for carrd pro anymore, however ill still keep the site up as long as there's enough money on my carrd balance (make sure to use my referral code PIXEL)
also my birthdays soon make sure to tell me happy birthday in the chat

[7/30/23] ㆍ (finally) released page 3! it isn't actually done yet, so that's why it's kind of underwhelming. i'll try to add to it every week though if i have the time. check my tumblr for some more info (tumblr.com/kuurousa)

[12/27/22] ㆍ ty for 10k visits!

[12/24/22] ㆍ 100+ christmas/new years pixels

[12/21/22] ㆍ 370+ new pixels

[12/19/22] ㆍ made a 2nd pixels section to (hopefully) reduce lag + added large pixels + new theme

[12/17/22] ㆍ 300+ new pixels + small layout change

[12/16/22] ㆍ new pixels + removed stamps

[12/11/22] ㆍ new layout + added stamps

created on 12 / 2 / 2022